Alessandro Brogi was born in Italy and has lived in the United States since 1990. He is professor of history at the University of Arkansas, where he teaches US Diplomatic History and Transatlantic Relations. He held the RIAS visiting professorship from April through June of 2022.

Brogi’s principal areas of research are US strategic and cultural relations with Western Europe during the Cold War, and his main works draw comparative analyses of France and Italy. His books include Confronting America: The Cold War between the United States and the Communists in France and Italy  (2011 and 2014). Most recently, he co-edited, together with Giles Scott-Smith, a book titled The Legacy of J. William Fulbright: Policy, Power, and Ideology (2019).

Part of Professor Brogi’s two months at the RIAS were devoted to research and writing portions of his new book project, which analyzes how Congressional politics and the international exchange program of Sen. J. William Fulbright (1905-1995) affected the liberal international order, with particular attention to US-European relations. While at the RIAS, Brogi also held two talks, one on historical methodology, and one on how transatlantic relations, and the re-emergence of anti-Americanism in Europe have evolved during the Trump administration, and after NATO’s coordinated response to the war in Ukraine.

Read here Professor Brogi’s report on his visiting professorship at the RIAS.